
Monday, January 20, 2014

How to read in Russian

Reading is a good way to expand vocabulary and improve knowledge of Russian. But the result will depend on how actually you are reading. 

1) If you translate every unknown word the process of reading will be very slow, boring and as result not effective.

A big quantity of words will be understandable from the context, you shouldn't write all of them in your Dictionary and translate them. You will remember most of them  at the subconscious, especially if they are repeated often in the book. 

Pay attention on the sense of whole paragraph or sentence. If you can't understand its meaning because of big quantity of new words - only in this way use translator. Don't try to remember words which you'll never need - like archaisms for example, don't waste your time and memory. Learn only useful words.

2) After reading retell yourself what about you just had read. Try to tell it in 3-5 sentences, but try to make them full and correct.

3) Read in Russian every day. The number of pages depends on your Russian level, from 1 page (basic level) to 15 pages (upper intermediate) will be not too hard, but very useful.

4) Enjoy reading in Russian, choose books which are interesting for you, but not too hard, then watch screening of these books, compare them, discuss with your friends or teachers.

And good luck in learning Russian! :)

How to learn new Russian words

There is a lot of methods of remembering new vocabulary, let's pay attention on several of them, which will help you to increase your vocabulary:

1. The most popular way lo learn new words - to repeat the list of words with their translation.
This way is not the most productive, but when you have a big list of new words you have not other variants. So how to make this way more effective?

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Vocabulary: IN THE HOTEL

All stressed vowels are indicated in bold:

Гостиница, отель - Hotel
Бланк - Form (GB), blank (USA)
Ванная комната - Bathroom
- Bath
Ужин - Supper
Отъезд - Departure
Главный администратор - Chief receptionist
ичные) документы - (identity) papers
Камера хранения - Left-luggage office (GB), baggage-check room (USA)
Квитанция - Receipt
Ключ - Key
Кондиционер - Air-conditioner
Коридорный - Hotel manager
Лифт - Lift (GB), elevator (USA)
Напряжение (электрическое) - Voltage
Номер - Room, accommodation
номер- Single room
номер- Double room
Номер-люкс - De luxe room
Носильщик - Porter (GB), baggage man (USA)
Обед - Lunch, dinner
Обслуживание - Service
Оплата счёта - Payment of a bill
Официант - Room waiter
Этаж - Storey, floor
Горничная - Chamber maid
Портье - Desk clerk
, прачечная - Laundray
Счёт - Bill
Регистрация - Registration
Сейф - Safe
Завтрак - Breakfast
Телевизор - TV-set
Холодильник - Refrigerator, fridge
Швейцар - Doorman
Расчётное время - Check-out time
Дежурный администратор - Administrator on duty
Бронировать номер - Reserve a room
Будить (разбудите меня) - Wake (wake me)
Вызывать (вызовите) - Call (please call)
Включать в счёт - Put on bill
Звонить (позвоните) - Call (please call)
Заполнять бланк - Fill in a form
Останавливаться в гостинице - Stay on in a hotel
Оплачивать счёт - Pay a bill
Спрашивать - Ask, inquire
Мне забронировали номер - I've booked a room

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

New Russian lessons

All Christmass holidays are already behind so we can continue our Russian lessons :)
You are welcome to schedule new lessons, time we can discuss personally, my email: