
Thursday, December 4, 2014

Hello my dear visitors!

I am very glad to see you on my blog!
Today I have some news for you. You remember I promised you some surprises? Today I will tell you a little bit about it!
I am about to open Virtual Russian Language Club "RU-LAND"! There will be a lot of interesting and useful activities for all Russian language learners! Now we work at this project and soon we will represent you our site. Don't miss this moment :)
Also I am glad to inform you that we increase our tutors staff, so you can book new lessons with new personal tutors. I guarantee that they all are professional Russian philologists and they are very responsible, interesting and good Russian teachers!
So if you are interested in Russian online tutoring, please write me on e-mail and you will get free trial 30-minutes lesson with your personal tutor :)
Feel free to ask questions :)

Learn Russian Adjectives easy!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Halloween discount on Russian lessons!

Special offer for NEW LEARNERS! 
10$ for 60-minute Russian lesson if you buy 10 lessons together till the midnight of the 1st of November! Hurry up!
Trial lesson is free as usually.
All questions on email:


HALLOWEEN IN RUSSIAN: Fairy-tale heroes!

Untill everyone's mind is busy with pumpkins, witches and other monsters let's speak about Russian culture!

We have a lot of fairy-tales which have very bright Russian flavor. Let's speak about them, let's get acquainted with main Russian fairy-tales caracters, let's plunge in the rich Russian culture together!

Evening of real communication, new Russian phrases and interesting video in friendly atmosphere!

What is it: 
It will be a webinar devoted to Russian culture, to Russian fairy-tales and their main characters. You will know short stories about the most famous Russian heroes. Also you will know some new phrases in Russian and will have a chance to practice them in the voice chat!
The other interesting think - we'll watch videos of some Russian fairy-tales and discuss them in text or voice chat!
Anyway you will get a chance to practice our Russian and to know more about Russian culture!

When it will be:

It will be the 1st of November 2014, Saturday, 8 pm (20.00) Ukrainian time
!!!!!!!Please check attentive the time, because the time difference can make us confused!!!!!!!!!

What do I need to do to join:
You need to send a letter with the text "I want to take part in Russian Halloween Webinar" to till the 31st of October (including). On the 1st of November you will get a link to join the webinar.
Also you need to take some note-book, pencil and A GOOD MOOD!

We will be happy to meet you on our webinar!!

P.S. Please send the request only if you are sure about your participation, because the quantity of places are limited and we want everyone who really is interested could take a part. Thank you for understanding!


Friday, October 10, 2014

How to work with Russian tongue twisters to get the best result

Thank you and Please in Russian

спаси́бо – spasíba – thank you
большо́е спаси́бо – bal’shóe spasíba – thank you very much
огро́мное спаси́бо – agrómnaye spasíba – a huge thank you
благодарю́ – blagadar’ú – thank you
пожа́луйста – pajálusta – please, welcome (as please)
не́ за что – né za shta – not at all

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Let me recommend you a new Online Russian Tutor - Vera Grinchuk!

I am happy to inform you about expansion of our teaching system! Soon we will tell you about surprise which we preparing now for all Russian language learners, but already today I want to represent you our new Online Russian Tutor - Vera Grinchuk!

Here is Vera's profile:

Full name:   Vera Grinchuk
Profession:   Russian Tutor Online
Date of birth:  10th of January 1992
Country:   Ukraine
Hometown:   Luhansk
City of residence:   Zhitomir
Native language:   Russian
Languages:   Ukrainian (fluent), English (upper intermediate)
Education:   Specialists Degree "Language and Literature (Russian)" - 2014, Bachelors Degree "Philology" - 2013
Qualification:   Philologist, Teacher of Russian and English language and foreign literature.
University: Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University
Category of students: Beginners

"It's amazing how many secrets keeps unbeaten Russian language! This is the ocean, which contains many gems of Russian speech. I'd love to help you conquer these depths and discover another culture masterpiece!" 
(Vera Grinchuk)

So if you are a beginner in Russian and you want to get professional personal tutor - Vera will help you with a big pleasure! Send any guestions on our email:
And wait for our surprice :)

Monday, September 8, 2014

Youku channel for Chinese learners of Russian

Hello my dear readers and followers!

I have a good news for Chinese students who learn Russian language - this is my new Youku channel where you can watch all my video lessons!

Watch, re-watch, make notes and repeat and believe me soon you will get a result!
So let's learn Russian in China!


How to say collocations: On Monday, on Tuesdays etc:

в понеде́льник – f panidél’nik – on Monday
во вто́рник – va ftórnik – on Tuesday
в сре́ду –f srédu – on Wednesday
в четве́рг – f chitvérk – on Thursday
в пя́тницу – f pyátnitsu – on Friday
в суббо́ту – f subótu – on Saturday
в воскресе́нье – v vaskrisén’ye – on Sunday

Я прие́ду в Пари́ж в пя́тницу. – Ya priédu v Paríj f pyátnitsu. – I will come to Paris on Friday.
У него́ презента́ция во вто́рник. – U nivó prezentátsiya va ftórnik. – He’ll have a presentation on Tuesday.
У меня́ экза́мен в четве́рг. – U minyá ekzámen f chitvérk. – I will have an exam on Thursday.

Friday, September 5, 2014

How to get acquainted the Russian:

Как вас зову́т? – kak vas zavút? – what is your name?
Меня́ зову́т Мари́я / Иван – minyá zavút Maríya / Ivan – my name is Mary  / Ivan
Кем вы рабо́таете? – kem vy rabótaite? – what is your job?
Кто вы по профе́ссии? – kto vy pa praféssii? – what is your profession?
Где вы у́читесь? – gde vy úchites’? – where do you study?
Я до́ктор (Я + профессия) – ya dóktar – I am a doctor (I + profession)
Я рабо́таю в компа́нии «***» - ya rabótayu v kampánii «***» – I work at «***» company
Я учу́сь в Ки́евском университе́те – ya uchús’ v Kíevskam universitéte – I study at Kiev university
У вас есть хо́бби? – U vas est’ hóbbi? – do you have a hobbie?
Да, я увлека́юсь спо́ртом – da, ya uvlekáyus’ spórtam – yes, I am get involved in sport

Thursday, September 4, 2014

6 ways to say “Good bye” in Russian:

До свида́ния – da svidán’ya – good bye (formal)
Пока́ – paká – bye (informal)
До встре́чи – da fstréchi – see you (neutral)
Уда́чи – udáchi – good luck (neutral)
До свя́зи – da svyázi – till next connection  / will see/hear you (neutral)
Дава́й – daváy – ok, bye (spoken version, informal) 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Study Russian online!

Feel free to ask any questions via email:

Monday, September 1, 2014

"Век живи - век учись" - A century for life - a century for learning

Today, I want to introduce you a wonderful Russian saying for the 1st of September, Knowledge Day.
Век живи - век учись! (It is never too late to mend, you are never too old to learn).
It is great thought, because if a person stop his education at the moment when he graduate college or university and study nothing after this - he is "dead" person. Such kind of people will never be good professionals, they never could be called "clever" or "intelligent" people, and they will never be interesting to surrounding people. 

Modern person should learn something new every day, because nowadays our world - it is a world of information. But it is important not only be able to get new information, but also to recognize it, to be ready to use it in the right way. 
So what can we learn every day? It can be anything useful or just interesting for you. You can always improve some professional skills reading some special literature, forums or visiting seminars and conference; you can read different interesting books for your own self-education, because it is always more pleasant to communicate with erudite and well-read person; you can search and work with some information about your hobbies, which will help you to become more advanced in this; and of course you can study languages!
Learning new languages is the best way to give opportunity to your brain for working  in new ways, to train your memory, to develop your association skills and of course - the way to get acquainted with other culture and mentality. It is like to learn some special code which helps you to understand other people.
Also in Russian language we have such saying: "Сколько языков ты знаешь - столько раз ты человек" (How many languages you know - so many times you are a human). I think it is very wise idiom, because language learning really let you to plunge in some special world - world of another culture, another life...
A new language can be necessary for your job, for relations and communication with other people, it gives you the opportunity to communicate with people from other part of the world, it gives you chance to read original books (because even the best translation is different from the original book), to watch movies in other language, or even just to develop yourself as an educated and interesting personality! And doing it with pleasure will help you to reach better results faster!
So today, in the Knowledge Day, I wish everyone to have enough time, strength and desire for self-education, including learning different languages! And if somebody needs help in learning Russian - please feel free to contact me, I am always glad to help everyone who wants to plunge in wonderful and charming world of Russian language! 

Nika Minchenko

To ask “How are you?” in Russian

как дела́? – kak delá? – how are you?
как пожива́ешь? – kak pajiváyesh? – how is your life?
как жизнь? – kak jizn’? – how’s your life?
что но́вого? – shto nóvava? – what is new?
всё отли́чно! – vsyo atlíchna! – everything is great!
спаси́бо, хорошо́ – spasíba, harashó – thank you, I’m fine
норма́льно – narmál’na – it’s normal, it’s okey.
пло́хо – plóha – bad
ужа́сно – ujásna - awful

Saturday, August 30, 2014

5 ways to say “Hello” in Russian

приве́т – privét – hi (informal)
здра́вствуйте – zdrástvuyte – hello (formal)
до́брое у́тро – dóbraye útra – good morning
до́брый день – dóbry den’ – good afternoon
до́брый ве́чер – dóbry véchir – good evening

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Russian motion verbs

New video lesson "Motion verbs in Russian"!

The task for this topic you will find by this link: Task "Motion verbs"

Task to the topic "Russian motion verbs"

Verbs of motion. Exercise. Choose the right variant of the verb. Please, write your answers in the comments.
Глаголы движения. Упражнение. Выберите правильный вариант глагола. Пожалуйста, напишите ваши ответы в комментарии.

Каждое утро я встаю в 7 часов и иду/хожу умываться. Потом я иду/хожу на улицу и бегу/бегаю в парке 20 минут. После этого я ем свой завтрак и еду/езжу на работу. Я хорошо веду/вожу машину и часто везу/вожу свою жену на работу. Она работает администратором в бассейне, и поэтому она может часто плыть/плавать.

Когда я приезжаю на работу, я начинаю лезть/лазить по Интернету в поисках новых клиентов. На перерыве я люблю выходить на улицу, брести/бродить по парку и наблюдать за тем, что происходит вокруг: как ветер гонит/гоняет тучи, как коты лезут/лазят по деревьям, как родители катят/катают своих детей на качелях, какую одежду несут/носят люди, как они общаются друг с другом.

После работы я обычно еду/езжу в магазин, покупаю продукты и тащу/таскаю домой пакеты с покупками.

Так обычно проходит мой день.

The link on the video lesson on this topic: Video lesson "Motion verbs"

Sales on the lessons!

It is a Knowledge Day soon - the 1st of September - so I congratulate all my students and all Russian language learners! :)

Let's get new useful knowledge this autumn easy and cheap - I offer you sales on the lessons 

‼ Tutoring:
60 minutes lesson - 12$  10$*
90 minutes lesson - 18$  15$*

* if you buy 10 lessons at once

‼ Instructing:
20$ per week - 18$ per week
* if you buy 4 weeks at once

The prices are available from 28th of August till the 3rd of September!
Also it will be some pleasant surprises for my students this September, so please, follow the information ;)

Let's study Russian together! 

Fell free to ask any questions via email:

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Russian pronunciation: sounds [Р] and [Л]

Let's train pronunciation of sounds [р], [р'], [л] and [л'] in Russian!

Easy and useful lessons for learners of all levels!

Regarding Skype lessons - please send me letter on
Удачи в изучении русского языка! :)

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

SALES ON RUSSIAN LESSONS! Don't miss your chance!


Book 10 online Russian lessons via Skype from 29th of July till 31st of July with price 10$ for 1 lesson (100$ for 10 lessons)*

If you book and pay for 10 lessons only within these 3 days, you get 2$ sale for each lesson! The timetable can be very flexible - these 10 lessons you can use till the end of August.
For all details - send message to me (

* Usual price for 1 lesson (60 minutes) is 12$.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Комплименты. Compliments in Russian

Let's say compliments to each other - they make us smile and improve our mood! How to make them in Russian you will find out in this video lesson! 

To book new lessons write to this e-mail:
Good luck in learning Russian!
Удачи! :)

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


(Intermediate, Upper Intemediate)

Listen to the audio file twice - the first time you need just listen carefully, the second time - you can start making the 1st task in the list below. The 2nd and the 3rd tasks you need to do after finishing of second listening.
Good luck!
(Your results you can write to the comments) 😊
Кто придумал игральные карты.mp3
(Please download this file and listen)
Задание 1. Слушайте аудио и впишите пропущенные слова:

* Игра в карты настолько привычна большинству из нас, что нам даже кажется, что они ____________.
* Их история уходит так далеко в прошлое, что никто не может сказать точно, _________ они появились впервые.
* Долгое время считалось, что игральные карты были изобретены ________, так как раньше бумажные деньги и ___________ в Китае были практически идентичны.
* С самого своего появления карты стали ____________ предсказания судьбы.
* В средние века с помощью игральных карт колдуны _________________.
* Несомненно, однако, что игральные карты _____________________ с XIII века.
* Самые ранние карты рисовались ________, но с развитием резьбы по дереву игральные карты стали дешевле и очень быстро распространились ________ простого народа.

Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы:

В какой стране сейчас практически в каждом доме можно найти карточную колоду?
А) Испании
Б) Великобритании
В) Китае

С чем в Китае были идентичны игральные карты?
А) с бумажными деньгами
Б) с монетами
В) со страховкой

Кем же всё-таки были изобретены карты?
А) Арабами или индусами
Б) Китайцами
В) это точно не известно

Изначально карты использовались для:
А) игры в покер
Б) предсказывания судьбы
В) азартных игр

Задание 3.

Устно скажите, любите ли вы играть в карты? Какие игры ваши любимые? Как часто вы играете в карты?